Project Description

Information updated 15-06-2016

Granddaughter to base-pigeon “Esmee”
She won 5 prizes as youngster and 17 as yearling, she won a.o.:
4th ace-pigeon old Hart van Brabant
9th ace-pigeons autumn races
10th ace-pigeon middle distance
11th ace-pigeon short distance
2nd Creil 98 pigeons
3rd St Quentin 232 pigeons
4th Quievrain 1003 pigeons
4th Nijvel 820 pigeons
5th Nijvel 2533 pigeons HVB
5th Nijvel 4718 pigeons Union Rayon 4
6th St Quentin 1419 pigeons HVB
7th Pommeroeul 294 pigeons
8th Sens 446 pigeons
9th St Quentin 430 pigeons
11th Creil 466 pigeons HVB
14th Quievrain 428 pigeons
18th Roye 327 pigeons
19th Sens 1487 pigeons HVB
21th Creil 637 pigeons
21th Quievrain 3015 pigeons HVB
24th St Quentin 2177 pigeons HVB
29th St Quentin 4114 pigeons Union Rayon 4
35th Roye 1085 pigeons HVB
35th Quievrain 6351 pigeons Union Rayon 4
42th Sens 3247 pigeons Union Rayon 4
48th Quievrain 2153 pigeons HVB
61th Quievrain 4356 pigeons Union Rayon 4
68th Creil 2375 pigeons HVB
70th Roye 2215 pigeons Union Rayon 4
73th Sens 1240 pigeons HVB
99th Creil 1794 pigeons HVB
115th Pommeroeul 2461 pigeons HVB
136th Creil 4819 pigeons Union Rayon 4
179th Pommeroeul 4633 pigeons Union Rayon 4
179th Creil 3308 pigeons Union Rayon 4
198th Sens 2449 pigeons Union Rayon 4
242th Asse-Zellik 3826 pigeons Union Rayon 4
In 2016 we placed her on the breeding loft because she bred 3 winners in big competition:
– NL 14-3433103 she won a.o.:
6th ace-pigeon autumn races old
13th ace-pigeon autumn races old combine HVB
17th ace-pigeon autumn races old Union Rayon 4
1st Quievrain 428 pigeons
1st Creil 808 pigeons
1st Morlincourt 145 pigeons
1st Morlincourt 609 pigeons HVB
1st Morlincourt 1268 pigeons Union Rayon 4
1st liberation 5082 pigeons
2nd Creil 2839 pigeons HVB
3rd Creil 6215 pigeons Union Rayon 4
3rd liberation 23378 pigeons
7th St Quentin 683 pigeons HVB
8th St Quentin 1445 pigeons Union Rayon 4
8th Quievrain 364 pigeons HVB
9th Quievrain 913 pigeons Union Rayon 4
13th Quieravin 2153 pigeons HVB
13th Quievrain 4356 pigeons Union Rayon 4
24th Quievrain 534 pigeons HVB
26th Chimay 187 pigeons HVB
36th Feluy 2272 pigeons HVB
59th Quievrain 2809 pigeons HVB
81th Feluy 4673 pigeons Union Rayon 4
98th Quievrain 5879 pigeons Union Rayon 4
– NL 15-3531360 won as youngsters a.o.:
  1st Morlincourt 843 pigeons
1st Morlincourt 2402 pigeons HVB
1st Morlincourt 4363 pigeons Union Rayon 4 (6th liberation 17385 p.)
6th St Quentin 869 pigeons 12th Asse-Zellik 1479 pigeons
14th St Quentin 2589 pigeons HVB 19th St Quentin  4737 pigeons Union Rayon 4
62th Asse-Zellik 3668 pigeons HVB
89th Asse-Zellik 6532 pigeons Union Rayon 4
– NL 15-3531375 won as youngsters a.o.:
1st St Quentin 869 pigeons
1st St Quentin 2589 pigeons HVB
1st St Quentin 4737 pigeons Union Rayon 4 (33th liberation 19196 p.)
2nd Morlincourt 156 pigeons
3rd Chimay 55 pigeons
16th Quievrain 849 pigeons
46th Quievrain 2248 pigeons Hart van Brabant